Jesus: God and Man
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Originally published in limited edition in 1976, Jesus: God
and Man is once again available. Based upon the Revelation of The Urantia Book.

The Story Behind Jesus: God and Man

In 1976 I met Berkeley Elliott in Tulsa, Oklahoma at a study group for The Urantia Book. When Berkeley learned that I was a writer, she suggested that I might be able to help her with a special project. I had no idea that the project would virtually consume my life for the next year.

The Urantia Book is a tome of 2097 pages. About one-third of the book is devoted to the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The Urantia Book is grounded in the historical facts of the New Testament, yet it enlarges upon them and places Jesus in a bold new cosmic perspective. Berkeley explained that she wanted to develop a multimedia production about Jesus based upon The Urantia Book.

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Jesus: God and Man Book Cover